Garden just about done
Many things have been keeping me busy and away from the computer. While I didn't do most of the labor, some of this garden project kept me busy. I hired friend Koken for some of it, and friend Stan for most of it. While I chose to dot the wall with different colored bricks, like a brick wall, Stan deserves the credit for the layout and curved design. He also shaped the remaining slope of the yard. I wanted to have pretty much all edible landscaping. I got advice from my wise groundskeeper friend, and I went to a program on edible landscaping at the library. It turned out to be presented by a facebook Buddhist friend of mine.
I planted the veggies in the front, and some of the mint areas, that's all. I plan to have a garden party, maybe in July or August. Maybe some of the tomatoes will be ready. We've had so much rain, some people lost their tomatoes to lack of sun and heat and too much rain, and I actually come out ahead, having planted late.
Here's what the juniper bushes looked like (all I had was a winter scene, because otherwise, why did I want to take a photo of these runaway bushes?):
And here's when they were taken out:
Objects the guys found in the dirt under the bushes:
My neighbor two doors down said she probably was the one who lost the baseball. Now she has a couple of kids who will be the ones losing baseballs. When I planted the veggies, I found another toy, a 4-in. orange frisbee from Trix.
Plants ready:
Blueberries already!
See the full front yard with plants labeled here. Note I plan to put roses in this winter, where the veggies are. Even roses are edible. Vitamin C! As far as I know, the Red-veined Sorrel is not edible. Somehow that ended up in my box at Farmington Gardens, though I don't remember picking it out. Speaking of Farmington Gardens, that was a fun outing with my sweet friend from work.
See all the photos in this slideshow.