Books for Bodhisattvas-in-Training
The Coconut Monk
by Thich Nhat Hanh
rating: 4 of 5 stars
I used this book in Dharma School to demonstrate Sila Paramita, or ethics. It's a true story of a monk who lives with a cat and a mouse during the Vietnam war. He truly embodies an ethical life.The Hermit and the Well
by Thich Nhat Hanh
rating: 4 of 5 stars
A boy and his friends want to find and learn from a wise hermit they've heard about. Instead the boy finds the Buddha within himself.
This could be a good book for Dharma School for demonstrating aspiration, and for demonstrating the natural wisdom we can find in ourselves, our buddha nature. Samsara Dog
by Helen Manos
rating: 4 of 5 stars
A youth librarian shared this book with me when it came out...she thought it would interest me.
A dog is reborn many times, and each time learns a little about love and loving actions, and each time he's reborn into better circumstances to learn.
This would be a great book to use for a preschool Dharma School throughout a year, perhaps one of the dog's lives per lesson. I would focus on the aspects of his life that helped the dog become more loving.
I could also see using it as examples for grade school kids. The lives of the dog correspond with aspects of the Six Realms. Sky Sweeper
by Phillis Gershator
rating: 4 of 5 stars
This could be used for an example of a bodhisattva who is dedicated to keeping a vow. Focused purpose, single-minded purpose even in the face of distractions, and finding the whole universe in that purpose.
The sweeper considers other paths in life, but he always remembers that a sweeper is needed for the monastery garden, and he keeps choosing that. His dedication and care are overlooked until he is no longer able to take care of the garden as he did. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Journey to Change the World... One Child at a Time
by Greg Mortenson
rating: 5 of 5 stars
Don't have time to read the original version of "Three Cups of Tea"? I suggest you make the time. I believe it is the answer to the world's problems. War is not the answer. Three cups of tea is the answer. However, if you insist you just don't have the time, read this version. Many of the details of Greg Mortenson's journey are truncated, but the essence is still here, and it is a much quicker read. Two evenings should do ya.
I would also recommend reading this book a year or two after the original. This is a story that bears repeating, and I was grateful for the reminder.
And of course, I would recommend this for kids with the reading level for a book this size. There are more color photos, including some of and from Mortenson's beautiful family. There is also a glossary, and the words included in the glossary are handily printed in bold in the text.
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