Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Movies Seen

Fascinating and funny. I didn't want to watch it alone, so I waited until Steve could watch it with me. It is much better shared. It would be even better if I knew Hebrew, according to IMDB. Who doesn't know what this is about? If you've been on a deserted island, Borat is a fictional character who goes on a real road trip in the United States, presenting himself to people along the way as a TV reporter of a popular show in Kazakhstan.

Seven Days Seven Nights (Spanish with English subtitles)
Gritty look at the lives of three women living in Cuba. Death, dreams, dogfights...something different.

Weeds Season 2
Slightly darker than the first season...scary drug dealer violence. Nice touch: different bands covering the opening song Little Boxes. Another nice touch: the DVD extras include instruction on how to grow hydroponic "tomatoes."

I might have passed this by, but I noticed it is a Spike Lee production. Hmmm, an alternate history movie...you don't often see those. I started watching it without knowing beforehand the whole thing is a fake documentary of this alternate history of the Confederate States of America, including the commercials from this alternate world. Much as many in the USA are now thinking in this universe, Canada is the place to be. Particularly supportive of the satiric element: commercials for COPS, in this world all about RUNAWAY. This would be one of those rare movies in which I actually want to watch the commentary.

Reefer Madness: the Movie Musical
Hey, I almost have a pot theme going. In my last post, I forgot to mention that the madness-inducing marihuana helps alleviate asthma, according to the book. Yes it does...wonder if my HMO approves it. (Doubt it.) If you haven't seen the original Reefer Madness, watch that first, found in the extras. Also, the more people the better. Even if you can't stand musicals, you may like this. If you do like musicals, the campy nods to gay dancers and other musical essentials make this even better as a parody. This would be one of those rare movies that I actually want to watch again, with or without commentary.

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